Antiques, Furniture, Hand Tools and Personal Property

Check out this auction for antiques, bicycles, furniture, hand tools, jewelry, musical instruments, artwork, electronics, and a plethora of personal property. Antiques and vintage items include crocks, cast iron skillets, Ball canning jars, mirrors, a Singer sewing machine, baby dolls, piggy banks, a quilt and handkerchiefs, books, postcards, and the Mother Earth News magazines. Furniture includes wicker benches and tables, a leather chair, antique dining tables, an antique Globe Bosse World Furniture Company armoire, and buffet table, dressers, a roll-top computer desk, cedar chests, bookshelves, end tables, and more. A variety of personal property will also be available, including a brother sewing machine, a chocolate fountain, a television, a Grundig world receiver and digital engine analyzer, a hand-held transceiver, a flute, a clarinet, an alto sax, a Sentry safe, Kodak and Polaroid cameras, beer steins, a kerosene heater, a cycle roller trainer, China, household items will also be sold.